Parent Reflections
“I asked Moses last night what he loves about Explorers – “everything! long city walks, city bus rides”. We can’t drive past Japantown without Moses sharing all about their time last year in the pagoda, journaling, having mochi, and exploring. The Ruth Asawa study was incredible. Similar to Japantown memories, everywhere we go in SF, Moses has stories to tell, and he’s been there – the little hiking hill above Randall Museum, Ocean Beach, Union Square, seeing Ruth Asawa at the De Young, playing in the Conservatory out front, and seeing sculptures on the Embarcadero.
As for Chinatown – also a huge hit! Moses carried a business card home from Canton Bazaar on Grant Street. He was so eager and excited to take me there this weekend and on Sunday, Moses walked me through the store and shared what he knew about many little artifacts – pear tea “is incredible mom!” telling me about Chinese zodiac signs, where jade animals reside in the store… it’s all sensory and magical to a 5 year old. As parents we’ve always had complete trust in our Explorers teachers to take wonderful care of Moses as he’s out and about in the city. It’s incredible that at 4 and 5 years old, these kids are navigating Muni, museums, meeting local characters around town with open arms and taking in so much culture.”
— Mary, Redwood Parent

"We can’t drive past Japantown without Moses
sharing all about their time last year in the pagoda,
journaling, having mochi, and exploring."
— Mary, Redwood Parent
“Holden has participated in the Explorers program for the past two years. The Explorers select a theme to study for the whole year, and then go out into the city to investigate that theme. Last year, the group studied the sculptor Ruth Asawa. They went forth and viewed her various works throughout the city and discussed what might have inspired her. They also studied the materials she worked with, and they learned about her Japanese heritage, even making numerous trips to Japantown to study Japanese culture.
Prior to this project we knew nothing about Ruth Asawa so it was a real treat to have Holden teach us about her. He told us about her Japanese heritage, and he even taught us a few Japanese words. He took us to various places in the city to view her work (Japantown, Union Square, and the Embarcadero), and he told us about the materials she liked to work with and what inspired her. It was really cool to see it all come together and to hear Holden talk about Ruth Asawa in such a comprehensive, enthusiastic way. The effects were far-reaching: Last spring, we were rushing through Terminal 2 at SFO, and Holden looked at one of the art installations hanging from the ceiling and said, “Mommy, that looks like a Ruth Asawa sculpture” (and he was right, it did!). Despite us being late for our flight, we literally stopped in our tracks. It was such a cool moment to see him make that connection in everyday life and educate us with his knowledge.”
— Halle, Redwood Parent